jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Elaboro mis metas

Construye T

"Elaboro metas y analizo resultados"

Para reflexionar ...                                                                      

¿Que tan perseverante crees que eres?
¿Te propones metas e intentas lograrlas?
¿Que obstáculos has tenido al intentar cumplir una meta?

Nuestro objetivo:

Desarrollar mi determinación para establecer metas en un espacio cómodo para reflexión.

Paso a paso

1- Bueno pues primero tienes q elaborar una meta que quieras lograr a mediano plazo (puedes elegir lo de un semestre escolar) .

2- Establece una ruta de acción, respondiendo a la pregunta ¿Que debo hacer para cumplir la meta? Has tu ruta de acción y establece tus metas.

3- Visualiza un reconocimiento que puedas tener al lograr tu meta. trata de imaginar como te sentirás cuando hayas logrado la meta que te trazaste.

4- Anota en un lugar donde puedas ver diario tu meta a lograr eso te ayudara a que cada vez que encuentres obstáculos para lograrla, tengas motivación y perseverancia.

5- cada semana has un análisis para revisar si estas cumpliendo las sub metas trazadas, ¡ no dejes que ningún obstáculo te permita no alcanzar tu objetivo!

Para terminar  ...

¿Como seré una mejor persona? ¿Como seremos una mejor comunidad?

Build T

"I elaborate anlizo goals and results"
To reflect ...
How perseveranrte you think you are?
Do you propose goals and try to achieve them?
What obstacles have you had to try to achieve a goal?

Our objetive:
Develop my deteminacion to set goals in a comfortable space for reflection.

Step by step
1- Well first you have q develop a goal you want to achieve medium palz (You can elgir what a semester).

2- Set a course of action in response to the question Quedebo do to meet the target? You have your course of action and set your goals.

3 Displays a recognition you may have to achieve your goal. try to imagine how you will feel when you have achieved the goal you trazaste.

4- Write down in a place where you can view daily goal to do that will help you find it cadavez obstacles to achieve it, you have motivation and perseverance.

5- weekly has an analysis to check compliance with the sub these goals set, do not let any obstacles not allow you to reach your goal!

To end ...

How will I be a better person? How can we be a better community?

Build T

"I anlizo elaborate goals and results"
To Reflect ...

How perseveranrte you think you are?
Do you propose to Achieve goals and try them?
What obstacles have you HAD to try to Achieve a goal?

Our Objective:

Develop my deteminacion to Set goals in a comfortable space for reflection.

Step by Step

1- Well first you have Q Develop a goal you want to Achieve medium Palz (You can elgir what a semester).

2- Set a course of action in response to the question Quedebo do to meet the target? You have your course of action and Set Your Goals.

3 Displays a recognition You May Have to Achieve your goal. try to imagine how you will feel When You Have Achieved the goal you trazaste.

4- Write down in a place Where You can view daily goal to Do That will help you find it cadavez obstacles to Achieve it, You have motivation and perseverance.

5- weekly has an analysis to check compliance With the sub These goals set, do not let any obstacles not allow you to reach your goal!

To end ...

How will I be a better person? How can we be a better community?

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